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GA BUYER EUROPE - April 2017




AVGAS 91 UL is designed with the General Aviation safety factor in mind. Essentially it is a fuel very similar to AVGAS 100 LL, without the addition of tetraethyl led, which is very well known for...

AOPA Pilot Magazine SEPTEMBER 2014


FAA to evaluate nine unleaded fuels


Possible avgas replacements proposed

by Dave Hirschman


The search for an unleaded fuel to replace avgas moved forward as the FAA received nine proposals for its Piston Aviation Fuels Initiative (PAFI) by the July 1 deadline…


SIB No.: 2010-31 - Issued: 08 November 2010


EASA Safety Information Bulletin




Unleaded Aviation Gasoline (Avgas) Hjelmco 91/96 UL and Hjelmco 91/98 UL...


Hjelmco unleaded AVGAS

now under one trademark for the entire EU

General Aviation - December 2010


Unleaded avgas spreads


Robust discussions on the future supply of aviation fuels set some European AOPA members against their American counterparts as the issue was classed as a battle in the continuing...

AOPA-Letter - June 2010


Bleifreie Zukunft?

Interview mit Lycoming zu den Themen AVGAS und Flugmotoren


Wie bereiten sich die Motorenhersteller auf einen eventuellen Übergang zu unverbleitem Avgas vor? Unsere Kollegen der AOPA USA fragten bei Lycoming Engines nach, wie man dort die Sache angeht...

KITPLANES - June 2006


Avgas 2020. The Future Fuel

by Paul Millner


When you mention avgas to a pilot in the current market environ-T T ment, the most likely reaction will be, "Gee whiz, it's expensive!" While that's true, avgas is a special commodity that...

AOPA LETTER - 6 January 1999


Future fuels

Avgas problem is getting worse worldwide
1. The situation today Due to the strong influence of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA in the USA) and due to the indirect influence of the EU Directive 98/70/EC, which was...



FLYING - March 1998


Grass for gas

by Dave Hirschman


Die klare Flüssigkeit, die da in die Tanks meines Flugzeugs geschüttet wurde verpasste mir schon ein mulmiges Gefühl, um es milde auszudrücken. Denn wir wissen natürlich alle, dass 100LL blau ist Und anstelle des vertrauten Geruchs von verbleitem Avgas...